I came across an old ad for the Game Boy Micro online and it made me realize that I really want one. Every Nintendo handheld under the sun plays GBA games nowadays, but I forgot the main reason that I loved the gameboy in the first place, other than Pokemon of course: Portability.
Anyone can tell you that I bring a handheld with me whenever I leave the house, and sometimes it's a hassle, since most of them are just getting bigger and bigger. It's never stopped me; I just bring my smuggler's jacket everywhere and line the pockets with electronics.
This thing though, this thing is actually really cool. It plays GBA games with the same backlit screen as the SP Lite, has 5-8 hours of battery life, and has crazy awesome reviews down the board. It's tiny, people. Super tiny. Smaller-than-my-cellphone tiny. Definitely smaller than your cell phone, since I'm sure you have one of those whatchacallits. Smartphones. Hell, my PSP is lighter than the newest iPhone, but I digress.
Riss offered to pay for half, and I found an unopened one online that's only $80, likely because it's the Japanese model (List price on amazon is $130) but I don't see a reason not to get it. I did my research, and the Japanese ones will play games from any region, so I'm not buying myself a brick, don't worry. Another bonus: I already have a charger for it. That's another thing you need to know about me: I have every charger known to man. I hoard them, and I have never regretted that habit.
I've always had a certain amount of unease when buying online, just like anyone, but I bought it on Amazon, and Amazon has never failed me. I've had a few games that appear to be DOA, but when I try them in another console or blow in the cartridge, it works, so I don't blame the seller.
I've ventured toward ebay recently, drawn by the low prices and selection but rendered timid by the unfamiliarity, and made a few purchases there as well. Two cheap things: Some screen protectors and a case for the incoming GB Micro since I like to keep my things nice, and a slightly-more-expensive copy of Legend of Heroes: Prophecy of the Moonlight Witch. I hate buying used games online (I try to avoid buying them at all) but the factory sealed copies were going for upwards of $90, and even the used ones on Amazon were $60. Hop over to ebay, the used ones are all in the $20-$30 range, and I couldn't resist. I picked one that specifically said it was a working copy despite minor wear, and it came with the case and manual, so bonus. Seller also had a return policy, but honestly, if somebody really wants to, they can just take your money. Who are we kidding. Oh, and I bought the other LoH title I was missing on Amazon, so we could turn this into a race if we wanted to.
Anyway, in the coming weeks, I'll be getting lots of little packages. Aside from setting up some pre-orders for Skyrim and Uncharted 3, this is looking like my final "hurrah" purchase for the summer, before the drought settles in. (I tend to overspend in the summer, then buy pretty much nothing between September and April. Don't ask me why, I started this pattern years ago and have happily adhered to it. Religiously.)
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